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Altoona Motorcycle Accident Lawyers

Get The Help You Need After A Devastating Motorcycle Accident

Pennsylvania has avid motorcyclists – some of whom are seasonal riders and others who ride year-round. Sadly, motorcyclists are injured and killed at rates disproportionate to the population of riders. Some of these dangers are the natural consequence of using a vehicle that offers no external protection. But many accidents are the result of preventable human error and negligence.

If you’re a motorcyclist who was injured by the negligence of another driver, the attorneys at Gieg & Jancula, LLC will fight to ensure that you are fully compensated for your losses.

How Were You Injured?

There is a reason that a popular bumper sticker warns drivers to “start seeing motorcycles!” The phrase sounds almost comically simple, but it is life-saving advice that is too often ignored. In many cases, motorcycle accidents can be attributed to a driver’s failure to pay attention, failure to respect the needs of motorcyclists, or both. Here are some common accident scenarios:

  • Passing too close to a motorcyclist and failing to leave an adequate buffer
  • Tailgating behind a motorcyclist, leading to a rear-end collision
  • Cutting off a motorcyclist, causing them to hit the car or be run off the road
  • Turning left across oncoming traffic, leaving an approaching motorcyclist no time to slow down or swerve out of the way
  • Failure to keep a lookout
  •  Leaking fluids from the vehicle or dropping cargo, causing the motorcyclist to lose traction and skid out

These are just a few of the many hazards riders face every day.

Fighting Against Anti-Motorcyclist Bias

Those who love to ride motorcycles often have an adventurous spirit. Unfortunately, they are frequently stereotyped as reckless and irresponsible by other drivers. It is precisely this attitude that can bias a jury against a motorcyclist, even when the evidence shows that the other driver was responsible for the crash.

Our attorneys work tirelessly to tell your side of the story, show the facts and demonstrate that you were not to blame for what happened to you. Instead, you were a victim of another driver’s carelessness or negligence.

Our Firm Is Here For You – Call To Discuss Your Legal Options

The attorneys at Gieg & Jancula, LLC are proud to fight for motorcyclists injured by negligent drivers. To take advantage of a free initial consultation, call us in Altoona at 814-946-1606. You can also reach us via email.