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Workers' Comp Settlements for Trigger Finger Surgery in Pennsylvania

Workers’ Comp Settlements for Trigger Finger Surgery


Workers who suffer from injuries or conditions related to their occupation are entitled to workers’ compensation benefits. One such condition, often overlooked yet significantly impactful, is trigger finger. If you’re experiencing this condition and are considering surgery, understanding your rights and the potential for a workers’ comp settlement can be crucial.

At Gieg & Jancula, we aim to provide you with the knowledge and support you need to navigate this complex process. Our skilled Pennsylvania workers’ compensation lawyers frequently represent professionals commonly affected by this injury including public safety employees like police officers. Contact our office today at 814-946-1606 for a free consultation and learn more about how we can help.

What is Trigger Finger?

Trigger finger, medically known as stenosing tenosynovitis, is a condition that affects the tendons in your fingers or thumb, causing pain, stiffness, and a sensation of locking or catching when you bend or straighten your finger. This condition can be particularly debilitating for workers in professions that require repetitive hand movements, such as construction workers, assembly line workers, or those in the healthcare industry.

Causes and Symptoms

Trigger finger is often caused by repetitive motion or forceful use of the finger or thumb. The condition results when the tendon sheath becomes inflamed, leading to a narrowing of the space within the sheath where the tendon moves. Symptoms include:

  • Finger stiffness, particularly in the morning
  • A popping or clicking sensation as you move your finger
  • Tenderness or a bump at the base of the affected finger
  • Finger catching or locking in a bent position, which suddenly pops straight

When Surgery Becomes Necessary

In many cases, trigger finger can be managed with non-surgical treatments such as rest, splinting, anti-inflammatory medications, or steroid injections. However, if these treatments fail to alleviate the symptoms, surgery may be necessary to release the tendon and restore normal movement.

Workers’ Compensation for Trigger Finger in Pennsylvania

If you’ve developed trigger finger as a result of your job duties, you may be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits. In Pennsylvania, the workers’ compensation system is designed to provide medical benefits and wage loss compensation to employees who are injured or become ill due to their job.

Eligibility Criteria

To qualify for workers’ compensation benefits for trigger finger, you must meet the following criteria:

  • Employment Status: You must be an employee, not an independent contractor.
  • Work-Related Condition: The trigger finger must have been caused or aggravated by your job duties.
  • Timely Reporting: You must report the injury to your employer within 120 days from the date of injury or the date you became aware of the condition.

Benefits Available

Workers’ compensation benefits for trigger finger surgery in Pennsylvania may include:

  • Medical Benefits: Coverage for all reasonable and necessary medical treatments related to the trigger finger, including surgery, physical therapy, medications, and follow-up appointments.
  • Wage Loss Benefits: If you are unable to work due to the condition or the recovery process, you may be entitled to wage loss benefits. This includes temporary total disability (TTD) benefits if you are completely unable to work, or temporary partial disability (TPD) benefits if you can work but at reduced capacity.
  • Specific Loss Benefits: In some cases, if the trigger finger results in permanent loss of use of the finger, you may be eligible for specific loss benefits.

The Settlement Process

If you are considering a workers’ comp settlement for your trigger finger surgery, it’s essential to understand the process and what to expect.

Filing a Claim

The first step is to file a workers’ compensation claim with your employer. This typically involves completing and submitting Form LIBC-501, the Employee Report of Injury, to your employer or their workers’ compensation insurance carrier. Your employer should then file a First Report of Injury (FROI) with the Pennsylvania Bureau of Workers’ Compensation.

Medical Evaluation

Once your claim is filed, you will need to undergo a medical evaluation by a doctor approved by your employer’s workers’ compensation insurance provider. This evaluation will determine the extent of your condition and the recommended treatment plan, including whether surgery is necessary.

Approval or Denial of Claim

After your claim is submitted and reviewed, your employer’s workers’ compensation insurance carrier will either approve or deny the claim. If approved, you will begin receiving benefits. If denied, you have the right to appeal the decision through the Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board.

Negotiating a Settlement

If your claim is approved, you may eventually reach a point where you and the insurance carrier consider a settlement. A workers’ comp settlement is a lump sum payment that covers future medical expenses and wage loss benefits. Settlements can be advantageous as they provide a definite amount of money and closure to your case. However, they also mean you waive your right to any future claims related to the injury.

Factors Influencing Settlement Amounts

Several factors can influence the amount of a workers’ comp settlement for trigger finger surgery, including:

  • Severity of the Condition: The more severe and disabling your condition, the higher the potential settlement amount.
  • Past and Future Medical Expenses: The cost of your medical treatments, including surgery and rehabilitation, will be factored into the settlement.
  • Wage Loss: The amount of wage loss benefits you are entitled to, based on your pre-injury wages and the extent of your disability.
  • Permanent Impairment: If your condition results in permanent impairment or loss of function, this will be considered in the settlement.

Why You Need an Experienced Workers’ Compensation Attorney

Navigating the workers’ compensation system in Pennsylvania can be complex and challenging, especially when dealing with a condition like trigger finger that requires surgery. Having an experienced workers’ compensation attorney, like those at Gieg & Jancula, can be invaluable in ensuring you receive the benefits you deserve.

Expert Guidance

Our attorneys have extensive knowledge of Pennsylvania’s workers’ compensation laws and can guide you through each step of the process. We will help you gather the necessary documentation, file your claim accurately, and meet all deadlines.


We will advocate on your behalf, ensuring your rights are protected and that you receive fair compensation. If your claim is denied, we will represent you in the appeals process and work tirelessly to overturn the decision.

Maximizing Your Settlement

Our goal is to maximize your workers’ comp settlement. We will carefully evaluate all aspects of your case, including medical evidence and financial losses, to negotiate a fair and comprehensive settlement on your behalf.

Contact Our Pennsylvania Worker’s Compensation Law Firm Now

Trigger finger can be a painful and debilitating condition, but if it’s work-related, you have the right to seek workers’ compensation benefits in Pennsylvania. Understanding the process and knowing your rights are crucial steps in securing the compensation you deserve.

At Gieg & Jancula, we specialize in helping injured workers like you. Our team is committed to providing expert legal guidance and dedicated advocacy to ensure you receive fair and just compensation for your condition. If you’re dealing with a trigger finger injury and considering surgery, don’t hesitate to reach out to us for a consultation. We’re here to help you every step of the way.